BSL videos

BSL stories by RAD

The Tiger Who Came to Tea

The Very Hungry Caterpillar

Stick Man


Cosmic kids yoga with BSL

Betsy The Banana

On the Farm


Squish the Fish


BSL counting

Developing fine motor skills – Peg play

Peg play is a fun way for children to improve their fine motor skills and to learn colours and counting.

What you will need

  • plastic clothes pegs
  • small containers like plastic bowls
  • something your child can clip pegs onto such as a piece of cardboard

Some ideas for peg play:

  • Clip pegs onto the cardboard. You can write numbers on the cardboard to Peg onto and count. The pincer grip your child needs for this action is similar to the one needed for learning to hold a pencil and will also help for signs such as Monday, white, blue etc.
  • Sort the pegs by colour into different containers. Sign the colours with your child. If your child can count, they could count the numbers of pegs of each colour or in each container.
  • Play with the pegs, attaching them to clothes or toys. Tip them in and out of containers.


Another fun activity for improving pincer and eye focus is balloon play.

Blow up a balloon, hold it at the neck, sign 1,2,3 and let it go. Next blow up the balloon and give to your child to see if they can hold and let go to. You can add in more signs such as the colour of the balloon, asking if your child wants more when you are blowing the balloon and stop when you have finished blowing up the balloon.


Reading Activity

Write down words such as different colours, try getting your child to draw a box round each letter in the word or to draw around the whole word following the shape of the letter. You can do this with other words such as bus, school, home. Sign the words with them to identify each word and encourage them to draw around the letters/words.